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Microbiology & Immunology Practical Class Compendium (MiCompendium)


The Microbiology and Immunology practical class Compendium (MiCompendium, affectionately pronounced as my-compendium) was curated by a team of educators from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology to complement learning of technical laboratory skills.

MiCompendium comprises of a series of in-house videos utilizing the Department Excellence Educational Programme (DEEP) studio @ LS Lab 9 and includes 1) general safety guidelines such as fire evacuation procedures and COVID-19 related regulations, 2) common laboratory techniques such as Gram staining, streaking of plates, SDS-PAGE and ELISA, as well as 3) equipment guides for equipment such as the microscopes and nanodrops.

Through MiCompendium, we hope to introduce/reinforce the laboratory techniques featured during practical classes, and increase student confidence as they begin their journey to become world-class microbiologists and immunologists.

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