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Re-designing a module on Korean language in a blended learning mode

Re-designing a module on Korean language in a blended learning mode


Among the students in one module, the background and prior knowledge are not necessarily consistent, rather there is a higher chance to have students across all levels of Korean language throughout the semester. Sometimes during the lecture, when it is time to move on to the next page, few students may not be ready to move forward. I can just push all the responsibilities of preparation to the students, but it does not support a healthy learning community among the students. An instant thought could be to provide more individual attention to all. But it is not easy to provide personalised support those who need different level of help, especially with a big group of students. To address this challenge, I considered Blended learning to design my modules, so that the course can support students preparing themselves at their own pace via various online platforms. And ultimately the students are on the same page throughout lectures.
In this document, I describe the design of the three sections, online pre-lecture activities, in-class lecture, and online post-lecture activities.

Thai 1 SWAY for Pronunciation Practice

Thai 1 SWAY for Pronunciation Practice


Thai 1 SWAY was created to help students taking LAT1201 (Thai 1) this Semester 2021-2022 to be more familiar with Thai pronunciation both conversations and reading texts in Thai 1″ Speak Thai Textbook: Chapter 1-Chapter 8. Due to time limitation in the zoom lectures, students have less pronunciation practice time for each word, each sentence, each conversation. This affects their performance during the oral tests. Therefore my Thai 1 SWAY aims to help my Thai 1 students improve their pronunciation ability and also help build up their confidence when reading/speak Thai. Without carrying a textbook around, students can listen to Thai 1 SWAY at anytime and anywhere via their mobile phone. I have been using this SWAY for 4 weeks, and the feedback is amazing as it is clearly seen that my students feel more confident when they were asked to read and perform in front of their peers during my zoom lectures.
– Thai 1 “Speak Thai Textbook” is a required textbook for LAT1201.
– Students will learn 8 chapters in the textbook.
– For Thai 1 SWAY, I have to produce 2 SWAY links: One for Chapter 1-4 and the other for Chapter 5-8 because the number of audio for one sway is limited (max 40 uploaded audio).

Setting up LS Lab 8 – A safe place for teaching and learning

Setting up LS Lab 8 - A safe place for teaching and learning


Department of Biochemistry holds practicals, tutorials and examinations for Life Sciences students at LS Lab 8. We seek to provide a safe teaching and learning environment for staff and students, especially in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We created this e-book to share our journey in setting up LS Lab 8 as a safe venue for teaching and learning activities.

Presenting with Confidence and Clarity

Presenting with Confidence and Clarity


The Sway serves as a self-directed learning material for engineering students who are on the Industrial Attachment Programme. During their internships, the students may be involved in project presentations and/or pitching. Although most students should have basic knowledge and experiences in presentation through school projects, the workplace setting requires some adaptations. The Sway, therefore, aims to cover aspects that students may overlook such as ensuring coherence through signposting, using visual aids with a purpose, or delivering a virtual presentation with empathy and impact.

Experimentation and Uncertainty

Experimentation and Uncertainty


The fourth lecture in the HSI1000 module dealing with testing scientific explanations via experimentation. Of concern in performing experimental tests is the uncertainty in the results, which is also covered. We also examine how contemporary scientific research is conducted including a look at the process of publishing scientific research in the primary literature.

Scientific Explanations and Models

Scientific Explanations and Models


The third lecture in the HSI1000 module dealing with what constitutes a scientific explanation, explanatory strategies, cause and effect and correlation. Finally, scientific models are discussed and their applications.

The Baloney Toolkit Applied in a Simple Investigation

The Baloney Toolkit Applied in a Simple Investigation


The second lecture in the HSI1000 module. Here a review of the first lecture is given then an account of the relevance of the Baloney Toolkit to scientific inquiry. The toolkit is this applied to a simple online investigation regarding human population growth, which can be thought of as at the core of our environmental issues today.

The Founding of Modern Science

The Founding of Modern Science


The first lecture for HSI1000 on what is science, the scientific method in a nutshell, scientific observations followed by a very brief account of the scientific and industrial revolutions.

Principles of Drug Action

Principles of Drug Action


This geNiUSbook supplements the lectures in the gateway module ‘The Billion Dollar Pill’, which discusses the fundamental principles in drug discovery and development. In this chapter of the e-book, the principles of how a drug and receptor interacts are outlined. 

‘Stay-at-home’ research lab

'Stay-at-home' research lab


For my module LSM2233 Cell Biology, the emphasis is on demonstrating to students how researchers answer questions in cell biology through experimental design, and data analysis and interpretation. This is to provide a more authentic learning experience to support learning than mere describe concepts in abstract terms. To this end, we will discuss research articles that are related to fundamental concepts in cell biology. 

However, as we do not have laboratory sessions for this module, I provide here a series of videos to explain relevant techniques for students as a background to the experiments described in the research articles. This is especially important as second-year students generally have limited exposure to laboratory techniques and experimental design. I also provide an overview of what constitutes a research article to lower the barrier to reading such papers. In addition to other teaching and learning activities, this Sway will serve as a resource that I will update as I go along, depending on students’ questions and misconceptions about research questions, techniques and data analysis and interpretation.